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来源:中国医疗美容 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-04-26
摘要:China’s evolved know-how in fighting and containing the novel coronavirus, especially the work of dedicated medical teams, enabled the three countries to benefit from China’s experience, winning a

China’s evolved know-how in fighting and containing the novel coronavirus, especially the work of dedicated medical teams, enabled the three countries to benefit from China’s experience, winning acclaims of the countries and peoples and becoming the centerpiece of local media’s coverage.

China’s medical team to Algeria and the Sudan

China's medical team to Algeria and the Sudan organized by the National Health Commission was composed of 20 members. Among them 15 were selected from by Chongqing Municipal Government, main members of Chongqing’s expert panel for Covid-19 prevention and control, and the rest by Macao SAR Government.

During the period of 30 days, the team, under the leadership of the Chinese Embassies in Algeria and the Sudan, shared Chongqing’s and Macao’s experience and discussed prevention and control measures with government officials and technical experts from both countries, the WHO local offices and the medical workers on the front line of health systems, and put forward technical recommendations. At the same time, the team provided training and guidance on containment techniques to China-funded organizations, overseas Chinese and international students in both countries. It also rendered technical support to the patients’ treatment in addition to medicines delivery and consulting service. The team carried out exchange through video connection with government officials and technical experts from neighboring countries such as Egypt, South Sudan, Morocco, and Mauritania, and provided training and guidance for relevant Chinese personnel.

The medical team visited medical institutions such as local hospitals, laboratories, and research institutes 23 times and held technical exchange meetings 56 times, offered on-site instructions 19 times, and launched more than 30 special training sessions and trained 5,400 person-times or so. It submitted multilingual proposals on the prevention and control measures in local contexts to the two countries’ public health ministries.

China’s medical team was highly appreciated by the Algerian and Sudanese governments and their peoples. Dignitaries of the two countries, including Algeria's minister of health Mr. Abderraham Benbouzid, prime minister of Sudan's transitional government Mr. Abdalla Hamdok, member of the Sovereignty Committee and chairman of the Supreme Council for Emergency Mr. Tawar received the team to gain insights from China's experience in prevention and control and to explore improvement of local work.

In Algeria and the Sudan, Mr. Zhou Lin, head of the medical team and deputy director-general of the Chongqing Health Commission, handed over the medical supplies donated by the Chongqing Municipal People's Government to the two countries on Chongqing’s behalf. The donation once again exemplified China's resolve in worldwide efforts to contain the outbreak of the novel disease.

China’s medical team in Palestine

China's medical team to support Palestine’s fight against the virus was formed by the National Health Commission and selected by the Chongqing Municipal People's Government, with ten members from the Chongqing Health Commission, the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government, the Chongqing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the First and Second Affiliated Hospitals of Chongqing Medical University, and Chongqing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Under the leadership of the Chinese Representative Office to Palestine, the team conducted intensive cooperation, during the eight days of work, with Palestine’s officials, technical experts and medical staff of local institutions, shared technologies and experience, discussed local response measures, and raised technical recommendations. For international organizations including the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the WHO representative office in Palestine, the team contributed China’s and Chongqing’s knowhow and experience and offered technical training and guidance to China-funded institutions, overseas Chinese, and international students.

During its stay, the team visited local hospitals, laboratories, and research institutes, among other institutions, 23 times, held 15 technical exchange meetings, carried out eight sessions of technical guidance and 13 thematic training sessions, training about 500 person-times. It also signed a framework agreement on telemedicine cooperation with Palestine.

Palestinian prime minister Mohammed Ishtaye, Palestinian media chief Assaf, head of Fatah Party's Commissioner General of the Arab and Chinese Affairs Abbas Zaki, and Palestinian health minister Mai al-Kailah, among other leaders, met with the team several times in gratitude for China’s selfless support to Palestinian’s fight against the pandemic, and jointly discussed the next stage of measures for prevention and control work.

Chongqing’s medical teams to support the countries in the battle, a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), braved the virulent contagion and pressed ahead, reaffirming the responsibility and commitment of Chongqing's healthcare and foreign-affairs professionals. Chongqing's medical teams to Algeria, the Sudan, and Palestine in the relief effort have consolidated the friendship and medical exchanges and cooperation and contributed to international public health security in a joint effort.

文章来源:《中国医疗美容》 网址: http://www.zgylmrzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0426/876.html


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